Exciting news is approaching quickly. We all need to be ready to OPEN and know what that looks like for each of our businesses.
Safe Work Place:
Re-opening requires a business have a written safety plan in place. NYS -DOH Safety Template is available to follow. (see link below). This plan does not need to be submitted, however must be held on file at your business. This NYS template attempts to show you have taken the necessary duty of care to protect everyone.
Below are links for direct access for claims:
Claim Form – Self Quarantine – Self
Claim Form – Self Quarantine – Child
NY Emergency COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)
If you have any questions or wish to discuss any concerns, please contact Linda or Angela at 377-7414 or email Linda@yourownagent.com, Angela@yourownagent.com