So accountability as a consumer, I know I’ve felt this, many times you try to call Verizon, you try to call Progressive insurance and try to call Travelers Insurance, try to call GEICO, you try to call whomever is out there, Home Depot, multiple companies and it’s difficult. The first message you hear is “please hold listen to all the options.” “hold times are longer than expected.” and then you can’t get the person or a person or a real person on the phone. You cycle through and through, listening to all your options and you push 9, or star, zero frantically, trying to get a person, then you just get recycled back to the beginning and then you hang up the phone and say, what do I do? How do I get a real person?
So, I can’t answer that, but I can answer how do you get us? Hopmeier Evans and Gage Insurance. You get us by phone, you get us by email, you get us by text, you get us by chat on our website, but most importantly, you do not get voicemail, you do not get a chatbot, you get real answers to your questions, your needs, your billing questions, your coverage questions, your policy questions, your policy changes, your new insurance quotes. You get that from real people each and every time.