Outrageous Facts about insurance

Did you know Keith Richards the guitarist in the rock band, The Rolling Stones, has his middle guitar finger insured for $1.5 million dollars, JUST THE FINGER! Bruce Springsteen has his voice insured, so if something ever did happen to…

Preventing Distracted Driving Accidents

April is National Distracted Driver Awareness Month.  Distracted driving is doing anything that takes your attention away from the task of driving. Any time your mind and/or eyes are taken from the road, you’re technically distracted, which means an increase…

Snow Snow Snow – go away

..but first, 10 FACTS about Snow! 1.The biggest snow crystal ever reported was 38.1 cm (15 inches) wide! 2. Too much snow can drive people crazy! It’s called ‘Piblokto’ and is a hysteria seen in the Arctic that causes symptoms like…

Ways to Keep your Identity Safe

The Equifax data breach and other security risks have pretty much forced us consumers to take the sole guardian for ourselves in securing our most sensitive information. It has always been a good idea to monitor your finances, credit reports…

Pet insurance, Is it worth it?

YES! You never know when the unexpected will happen, especially when you thought your furry friend was healthy and suddenly things change. If you don’t have pet insurance when this happens the current problem will not be covered if you…