Have You Heard? We Have an Awesome Referral Program!

Here at Hopmeier Evans Gage, we give you gift cards for your referrals! Learn a little more about our program in the video above.
Here at Hopmeier Evans Gage, we give you gift cards for your referrals! Learn a little more about our program in the video above.
We are here to help you navigate through the process of learning about and obtaining life insurance. Give our office a call today!
Today we’re going to talk about your retail gun store and some coverages that may be missing from your policy. Coverages that you have not heard of and coverages you should be aware of before claim time. So whether…
Today we’re going to talk about business insurance for retail stores, including liquor stores. Coverage from Safeco, Geico, State Farm Insurance, Progressive Insurance, Travelers, Insurance, Hartford Insurance. The list goes on and on, but specifically, I’ll talk about coverage gaps…
So, how is our agency set up and how does it operate and how does that benefit you? We represent over 17 of the major insurance companies out there in the marketplace, everybody from Allstate Insurance to Safeco, Liberty, Mutual…
Topic today, Airbnb/VRBO insurance or Airbnb VRBO. Vacation rentals, home rentals, why is that policy any different than your regular homeowners insurance policy? Your typical homeowners policy across the entire United States covers your personal liability, your family’s personal liability…
Have you recently taken a defensive driving course or renovated your home? These are just a few of the discounts you could be missing on your home and auto! Do you have your home with us and your auto with…
Hopmeier Evans Gage is out for our yearly highway cleanup! Remember to take care of your community and go local! Throw out your trash and don’t throw your masks out the windows!
A common problem we see unfortunately, with new customers, they have a policy, it’s in their own personal name and they saw an attorney six years ago, three years ago, six months ago and they paid for some legal advice…